Three towers of strength.
How much power do you need? From 5 to 15 tons, our three towers – the Quick-Pull 5000, EZE Roller and Monocoque – make any side or downpull easy and quick.

Monocoque Tower
Designed for use with floor rail anchoring, this compact unit requires only 29 in. (737 mm) of floor space inward from the anchoring rail, and leaves plenty of room for working in narrow repair bays. The Monocoque Tower allows two independent pulls to be made simultaneously at heights ranging from 5 in. (127 mm) above floor level to a 6 ft. 6 in. (1.98 m).

EZE Roller Pulling Tower
Combining ease of use with rugged durability, our EZE Roller can be used with floor pot anchoring or rail anchoring layouts, and allows two independent pulls to be made simultaneously. Pull height ranges from 10 in. (2.54 m) above ground to 7 ft. (2.13 m) with a turn of the crank. A high-performance pulling unit for fast, efficient straightening. Also available in a 10 ft. (3.05 m) pull height version (#13100). All specifications are the same as #13000.

Quick-Pull 5000 Tower
Designed for the kinds of light-duty pulls that are so common today, our Quick-Pull 5000 features independent pulling towers that give you fingertip mobility for fast pull adjustment. Make double pulls with ease and accuracy. Hydraulic pressure gauges eliminate “overpull.”